Registration at the International French School of Berne

Merci de suivre le tutoriel suivant afin d’inscrire votre/vos enfants à l’EFIB :
Once you have created your EDUKA access, you can register one or more children.
EFIB will send you an acknowledgement of receipt and an invoice for the 1st registration fee, to be paid immediately to confirm registration. Registration fees are non-refundable. If this is your 1st child enrolled, you will also receive an invoice for the deposit to be paid by the date mentioned.
It is essential to report any health problems to the school.
To be admitted to nursery school, a child must be toilet-trained, including during naptime.
All applications for enrolment and re-enrolment imply full acceptance of the financial conditions in force for the school year in question. for the school year concerned.
For students already enrolled at EFIB :
The re-registration campaign for students already enrolled at EFIB begins in January.
School fees
How EFIB rates work
The AEFIB (Association de l'École Française de Berne) validates the school fees for the coming school year on the recommendation of the Management Committee. It is therefore the parents of the students who set the amount of the school fees on the proposal of the Management Committee. School fees are invoiced in three instalments. The first instalment is billed on the October quarterly invoice, the second on the January quarterly invoice and the third on the April quarterly invoice.
Consult the rates for the 2024-2025 school year : RATES-2024-2025
Consult the financial conditions for the 2024-2025 school year : CONDITIONS-FINANCIERES-2024-2025

Schooling assistance

Discounts for large families :
A 20% discount is applied to school fees for the 3rd child enrolled, and 30% for the 4th and subsequent children. This discount is applied from the largest class to the smallest.
School scholarships :
The Agence pour l'Enseignement Français à l'Etranger (AEFE) may grant tuition assistance to French children enrolled at EFIB, subject to the availability of funds and assets.
It is reserved for students of French nationality, at least three years old in the calendar year of the start of the school year, residing with their family abroad, registered in the worldwide register of French nationals established outside France and attending a French educational establishment approved by the French Ministry of Education.
Applications are processed by the Consulate General of France in Zurich.
You can also find all the information you need on the the website of the French Consulate General in Zurich
The scholarship application and deposit are subject to an interview at the consulate. For further information, families can contact Mme Bourgoin at the French Consulate in Zurich by email:
EFIB is a non-profit association recognized as being of public utility. As such, you can benefit from tax reductions under certain conditions.
Deregistration procedure for the International French School of Berne
Parents must inform the EFIB secretariat of their child(ren)'s departure by post and/or e-mail one month in advance.
- They settle any outstanding balance with the accounts department before departure.
- Any term started is due in full(see financial regulations).
- Payment in the event of damage to or loss of textbook and/or locker key(see financial regulations).
- Elementary students return textbooks and books to their teachers.
- Secondary school students return their textbooks to their class teacher by appointment.
- Parents make an appointment with the school's secretary( to receive their school file and expulsion certificate.
- School records and expulsion certificates cannot be issued if the student and family are not in good standing with the school.
- No expulsion certificate will be issued before the student's departure.
- The student will be removed from the school registers on the day of departure, after class.

Consult the financial conditions for the 2024-2025 school year : CONDITIONS-FINANCIERES-2024-2025
Prerequisites for registration
Registration of children in MATERNELLE: Admission to Petite Section is only possible for children aged 3 or over on December 31st of the registration year.
ENROLLMENT OF CHILDREN IN ELEMENTARY SCH OOL: Admission to the Cours Préparatoire can only be granted to children who have reached the age of 6 by December 31st of the year of enrolment.
For students coming from a French public school, a school under contract with an association, or a French school abroad approved by the French Ministry of Education, the decisions taken by these schools concerning the student's transfer to another class are applied by the International French School of Berne.
For students coming from a private school not accredited by the French Ministry of Education, students may be required to take a placement test organized by the International French School of Berne . It is only after this test has been carried out that a decision will be made as to whether or not a student will be assigned to a class.
Before deciding to enroll your child at EFIB, you can visit our premises at Jubiläumsstrasse 93-95 in Berne.
Don't hesitate to contact us at to arrange an appointment, and we'll be happy to show you around our school.
If you have any pedagogical questions, please contact the head teacher by e-mail: